Quote #8 - All quotes
"Anything for entertainment." - Stanford

Call of Dutyism (or CODism for short) is a religion recently introduced which is based on the teachings presented in the now-famous video game series, Call of Duty. Most followers of CODism (known as Call of Dutyists or CODists), currently believe the sixth instalment of the Call of Duty series, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, to be the one and only messiah and the son of Cod, however they are also eagerly awaiting the seventh coming of Christ, known as Call of Duty: Black Ops, which will cause CODists to abandon their current saviour in favour of their shiny new one.

Many CODists attend rituals known formally as "cod seshes" (spelled lowercase). This term originated from "Call of Duty sessions" which was deemed to be too long and difficult to write, hence getting shortened to the current term. cod seshes usually involve playing a multiplayer Call of Duty game online, often with friends. Unlike other religions, which force people to get off their ass and visit places of worship during rituals (such as a church or temple), cod seshes allow CODists to worship at home, utilizing readily available altars, such as the Xbox 360, Playstation 3 or PC.

During this sacred time, CODists often utilize a headset as a means to communicate with other CODists and spread the good news. During preachings, CODists are often reminded how much they suck, how gay they are, and that they have sexual intercourse with their mothers. When expressing their difficulties, CODists will often curse the evil demons, Hacker and Lag, dismissing the possibility that they are perhaps lacking skills necessary to "pwn noobs".

Occasionally, CODists stop playing and go outside. At this point, the few CODists with friends will start bragging about their "mad skillz", often pointing out their intense methods of hiding in the bushes and killing anyone who passes by, which offers them a high kill count and a low death count to show off with. Common belief among CODists is that a high kill/death ratio will get them closer to the almighty Cod, however this is yet to be proven.

Posted by slimac55 on November 2nd 2010 | 32 comments |
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