Quote #4 - All quotes
Randy: Ray William Johnson subscribed to me!
David: No he didn't.
Randy: Yes he di-- oh wait, it was just some black guy.
Update (June 9th 2011)

I hope everyone has been enjoying the entries in the new Project Minecraft series. They're a lot of fun to make, and I hope a lot of fun to watch as well. Upcoming in the series are a few survival attempts which should be a lot of fun.

Next up, in regards to other series, Double Jump is cancelled for the moment. While DJ's second season was highly anticipated, we realise that it has start fairly disorganised, and definitely not as strong as season 1. What we're currently doing is revising our formula, hopefully for the better. We're aiming for more entertaining and/or funny moments, while still keeping the review portions as complete as possible (at least, in the context of the show). We are planning for a complete comeback sometime in late July.

The most famous of all the series on this site is without a doubt, The IRAT Gamer. Yet, it has been probably the most neglected as it (at least from my perspective) requires the most effort and creative thought. While a lot of the other shows I run suit my lazy style of never having to write anything, The IRAT Gamer is a series that requires writing and planning from start to finish. Writing has specifically been a challenge for me, because I'm in the middle of writing a much bigger and more ambitious project (which you will definitely see eventually), so while trying to write that, writing anything else feels like a distraction and not productive enough (even though in reality, it is). However, I do have the game chosen for the next one and I would like to complete it within the next two weeks, so hopefully you guys can look forward to that.

The NAViGuiTaR series has officially ended until further notice. I never really intended it to exceed three episodes. I enjoyed doing the ones I made (as they were incredibly simple to write and edit), and I think I said all I needed to say (although I didn't make any reference to breast cancer like I probably should have). If there's enough demand, I could probably do a lot more of them, but for now they stand alone as a trilogy.

Also, quickly I'd like to mention the Let's Play of Halo 2 that recently made an appearance on here. I did originally record and upload them back in early April, but they were exclusive to my YouTube channel (mostly because I really wasn't sure whether they were good enough or not). However, after discontinuing it, as stated on the show's page, I decided I'd upload them here "hidden" beneath the cancelled series, simply for archival purposes (and hardcore fans that don't mind watching my less fortunate moments).

Well that seems to be all for now. Look forward to: more Project Minecraft, a new IRAT Gamer, plus some other projects that I'll announce when they're ready. But for now, have a good day, and a better tomorrow.

Posted by slimac55 on June 8th 2011 | 0 comments |
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