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"One mustn't question their own success, only perform an epic dance to disco music to celebrate." - David Sanguineti
Update (June 29 2011)

Hey everyone. Here's my second update of the month (I did leave this until pretty late in the month, but whatever).

Well, not long ago, the series known as Project Minecraft was demoted to a subseries under the heading Victory at Gamer Paradise. This is more-or-less a random playing video games series, and for the last two weeks it has been Noroji Entertainment's exclusive output. However, I think it should take more of a back seat from the current daily schedule, and instead step back to a more manageable every second day. I don't believe in releasing more than one video per day, as I think it becomes difficult for people to keep up with the upload rate if they're watching all the content. Therefore, I think an every second day system will be good to allow room for other shows.

Speaking of other shows, Double Jump Season 3 is still slated for a late July premiere. I know it's definitely been neglected lately, but I fully apologize and hope to make it up to its viewers with this next season. It will most likely return to the weekly schedule of Season 1, however it might fall to a bi-weekly schedule if things become to hectic.

Next up, still the most popular Noroji Entertainment series, The IRAT Gamer, is getting a new episode. It was scheduled for last Monday, however a cold got in the way so I had to delay it (southern hemisphere, guys). Regardless, I'm all better now, so the new episode will be released some time this weekend (around July 1-3).

In other news, one of the most proudest moments of my life was shattered when I realized the Man vs. Wild video Randy and I had made, that we both had put a considerable amount of effort into developing, had been done before us. Yes, that goddamn Chonny strikes as having done a Man vs. Wild parody in Minecraft a whole month before we'd done ours. Amazing. Plus, a substantial amount of retarded people actually prefer his to ours!

Nah, I'm just kidding. I don't hold anything against the people who prefer the other version to ours, although I probably could have made a viral video with my reaction to seeing what we though was our own original idea done before us.

A couple other videos and series are in the works still so look out for those. Otherwise, that's about all the updates I think there are, so have a pleasant day, and a better tomorrow everyone! (r)

Posted by slimac55 on June 29th 2011 | 4 comments |
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