Quote #5 - All quotes
Lachlan: What school does she go to?
Matt: My school.
Lachlan: Oh, Girls Grammar?
Update (August 9th 2011)

It's about time for an update, so here goes!

Let's start with the official cancellation of Victory at Gamer Paradise. feelsbadman.jpg. Except it doesn't, because that series was getting stale and old anyway. There's only so much you can do with Minecraft. The best thing that came out of it was the Forge Reviews and the Man vs. Wild (despite being an accidentally ripoff). And funnily enough, those are the only series that are continuing after Victory's demise.

A new episode of Man vs. Wild, which is much more ambitious, funny and overall higher quality than the first one, is currently in the works, and this time, we're making sure that we're not ripping some Asian-Australian off.

Double Jump: Forge were supposed to continue in the August Revolution, but Lachlan has been away/dead/sick/whateverheis, so we've been unable to record anything unfortunately. In the mean time, I'm going to post the unreleased SurvivalCraft 2.0 that we did to fill the time until we can finally record some Forge.

Double Jump: Reviews made its official return on time on July 31st, and things are looking good for a constant series on a regular schedule. As a matter of fact, I think it could become weekly again as it was in the first season.

I'm also officially announcing that a script for a new IRAT Gamer episode has been completed, and full production has started on it. I've scheduled it for release towards the end of this month.

I've also constantly mentioned two new series in the works. They've been slowly, but surely, coming along and they're still scheduled for release, one in late August, and one in mid-late September. There are also a few smaller series I have in mind that won't take much effort, but should be pretty fun to watch anyway.

Lastly, NAViGuiTaR is making a return. Not sure for how long or how often yet, but one script for it has been written, and I've got a few more ideas in mind, so hopefully you can look forwards to that soon too.

In summary, Double Jump is looking good, Forge Reviews is off to a poor start but should be in full swing soon, new IRAT Gamer and NAViGuiTaR in the works, and two new series to hopefully look forwards to (plus some other side series I have in mind). The August Revolution is moving!! It just didn't start as well as I would have wanted it to. :/

P.S. Sorry if I've made any spelling mistakes, I wrote this very quickly and hastily in a boring science class.

Posted by slimac55 on August 9th 2011 | 0 comments |
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