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Randy: Ray William Johnson subscribed to me!
David: No he didn't.
Randy: Yes he di-- oh wait, it was just some black guy.
Brothers in Arms Hell's Highway review.

Brothers in Arms Hell's Highway is yet another World War II franchise where you are fighting after D-Day in Germany. You are predictably a Para-trooper and you have crossed into fortress Holland in an effort to fuck every German in the arse and tell him to piss off. This new (old) one is very predictable and was put through an extended test in the bullshit detector.

The game starts (for some reason) in a hospital that has long been left by any life form. (Nazi's do not count as humans, or even intelligent life forms. If you are one go fuck yourself and (gtfo) NOW!) You are third person where a sergeant has found his youngest soldier slumped over and more holes in him than a golf course. Once you actually start to play as a character you are taught the basics of the game like sprinting, taking cover, shooting and moving. Once this level is finished you will see a bomb fall through the top of the hospital and you are held up by three Germans"�

The story then jumps back to the start where you are with your full squad in a glider. You are part of the 101st airborne division that is flying into German held territory, specifically Holland. The Germans have halted your advance there and it is up to you to tell them to fuck off.

The campaign is actually quite realistic and objectives to complete are almost exactly what was required by the airborne divisions. This is quite a good mark for the game, normally you will find that in WWII franchise just put you anywhere and just get you to kill as much of the Nazi scum as you can. (To all neo-Nazi's, you are not the best, you do not own the world, your leader chose to fuck himself. Go do the same.)

The weapons are all based of real weapons and only the Panzerschrek is incorrectly named the RPZ 54. The tank battles and hit locations is a very smart inclusion. This means where you hit a tank with either an ATRL (anti-tank rocket launcher) or the main gun on a tank will cause some (the rear) to kill in one shot while hitting it front on may take up to 3.

The campaign is very realistic. Americans used to divide their armies into little 2 to 4 man teams with some sort of commander in charge of positioning and fighting. The third person views in the game are of extremely good quality and actually show how to reload the weapons properly. From a realistic point of view, this beats many modern games.

There is of course a multiplayer section where you can team up to play through the campaign missions. This is not an overly important part in any game but still a good inclusion to keep out those bitching little complaints from those people that literally praise the computer.

There are unfortunately problems with the campaign however. Firstly there is the lack of proper ADS when taking cover. This would not be such a big deal if it was not a vital part of the game. You will find however if you play it, it is vital and does need to be worked on.
The use of suppression against your enemies. There is no real pattern to an individual's shooting when others are shooting back. You just take every opportunity to kill them and they do the same.
Kilroy seems just a little pointless even when you read the information about it. There should be some reward for finding them.
The campaign is short and quite easily accomplished. It does need more content to it.

There is also an online part to the game. This is basically where you try to find other players that are still playing it to compete against. (Like any other online play) The last comment really sums up the online side of the game. Practical, but certainly not the most exciting or the most pleasing online play ever created. The online section also suffers from a lack of players which is understandable.

Things we like: ;)
The realistic fighting and objectives.
The slow mo explosions and gore. (even if it is pretty shit.)
Very good third person playing.
The weapons are all good.
Fairly enjoyable campaign.

Things we do not like: 8o|
There are quite large holes in the campaign.
Online play is not as good as it could be.
Some of the kills in are bullshit.

So is this game any good.
8-8.5/10. (Y)
There are obviously holes in the game that should have been checked before production. This being said however, this is still a very enjoyable game and quite good quality game. Please note that this game was released in 2008 and is quite cheap.
Available on PS3, XBOX 360, PC and possibly Wii.

So until next time"�

Na na na na
Na na na na
Hey hey hey

Posted by Magp1es on August 17th 2011 | 1 comment |
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