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Randy: Ray William Johnson subscribed to me!
David: No he didn't.
Randy: Yes he di-- oh wait, it was just some black guy.
Fallout New Vegas review.

This time we do a real success story, no COD is successful but not on this scale. Fallout 3 was one of the best games released according to experts in 2008 and was propelled into fame when it finally reached the market. Since then another Fallout has been released, Fallout New Vegas. It did not receive the same large-scale raging that its predecessor did .Now it is time to put it through the shit-detector to find out why.

From the start, the graphics used in the wastelands have been taken either by satellite or by ground-based imaging as they are very good. (They show proper grass unlike COD which is just a blur.) The theme of a post-apocalyptic world is strongly enforced by the amount of enemies, and what the fuck they actually are. I cannot say from experience that things do not look like that after a nuclear strike, but I do think they have seen the Class of Titans once to many times when creating these characters. (If you have not seen it, the creatures look suspiciously alike to those in Fallout New Vegas.)

This is once you start to play the game you do actually start to enjoy going around with your rifle and screwing everything from several hundred metres away. The other good thing about the maps being done by photography is that the distances and the fights are quite imaginable (not realistic, it is after all a post-apocalyptic based game. If you do not agree, you are wrong and piss off NOW! FAG!)

This is where the good comments end. Firstly, even though the wastelands are quite well done, the cities are total crap and really are just a lot of neon lights that fuck everything around them. I know that this is considered quite cool in America, but even in a post-apocalyptic world, this is overkill.

This is to all those dickheads that complained that the last Fallout did not have enough of a challenge, even in its hardest setting. Well you can now go back to sucking other people's cocks, your complaints have been answered. Take a few steps outside the city and you are bound to get gang raped by a large group of mutant spiders or whatever the fuck they are. This is also another thing, why do they just stay in the wastelands and not come into the cities?

The weapons that you can use, now why is it when the world is finally nuked that most modern weapons will stop working? Is it a fucking law or some bullshit theme that has just stuck? Whatever, the reason, it makes for some pretty bad situations in combat. Also when you get to buy weapons, what is the point of having concealed weapons if the world has been butt-fucked? It is not as if people can claim that it is all part of a phone-hacking scandal by Rupert Murdoch and just get on with life!

The casino mentioned above is a major disappointment in this game. This is one of the biggest objectives to get to the fucking thing. When you do eventually get there, you find that it is virtually empty except for a few shitty casino games and some slot machines. What a fucking load of crap! Seriously, you build a game on a disappointment!

Interaction has really suffered in this latest game. The majority of the characters in this game have one line of dialogue and do not tell you at the end to fuck off. Whether this is just being fucking lazy, or some bullshit economy cost-saving measure is still yet to be decided, whatever it is, it is a bigger fucking hole than quean.

The interaction in this game has been compared to some 1996 games, and unsurprisingly has come back with the results that say that the interaction in Fallout New Vegas is totally fucked. This description is also being very nice about it and should be much harsher.

There is no real point of having an independent online section as you can find other people playing the same shit. This is provided your connection is good enough. This is a bigger problem than the American economy, the level of connection varies between liveable and really, really, REALLY fucked and averages somewhere between at about shithouse. If your game has not been interrupted for whatever reason by now, either you play this on the best gaming system in the world or you are a liar and should piss off with those people that write the game complaints. (I just rate them, not write pointless letters to people who are probably not going to read it anyway.)

Things we like: ;)
The graphics in the battlefields are of very good quality and quite realistic.
The game can be enjoyable once you are good enough to get past the gang rapists.

Things we do not like: (The shortened list) 8o| >^
The shitty graphics in the city, especially when the battlefields are so good.
The amount of effort it takes to get past the mutants, you are more likely to just get pissed off and rage quit.
The really piss poor quality of connection during every stage of gameplay.
The shithouse interaction standards during the game.
The weapons used during the game are pathetic, really is this to make things harder or just laziness again?
The whole game a based on a series disappointments, the casino being the biggest.

So how did we rate this piece of shit?

You can tell from this brief statement that our rating is not that flattering and does focus on the bad points.
3.5/10. :@ (N)
Normally I am hesitant to give a game any less than 5, even if it is second-rate, but his was just all together, one small step for man, one giant fuck-up by Fallout producers. The game is far-fetched even by post-apocalyptic standards and really should read this review to find out just where they fucked themselves. I should say that I am extremely pissed off by this point. The FUCKING game broke my bullshit detector! Literally, it just lost it under the strain! Really all this game is, is a world of warcraft for other consoles. Do not get it even if you can.

So until next time"�

Na na na na
Na na na na
Hey hey hey

Posted by Magp1es on August 19th 2011 | 0 comments |
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