Quote #4 - All quotes
Randy: Ray William Johnson subscribed to me!
David: No he didn't.
Randy: Yes he di-- oh wait, it was just some black guy.
Update (August 25th 2011)

Well, it's about time for another update.

The August Revolution

The August Revolution started this month, and how successful was it?

Short answer, not very. The August Revolution's main goal was to point Noroji Entertainment away from video game related content (unless the videos were of high quality and didn't target a niche-ish market) and focus on a more general audience. The Victory at Gamer Paradise series was cancelled, and its best accomplishments (mainly Man vs. Wild and Forge Reviews) were merged into the more acclaimed Double Jump franchise. The IRAT Gamer's popularity left it untouched, and NAViGuiTaR's potential has warranted it for a second run.

Long answer, not as successful as I thought it would have been, but seems to be a decent-enough stepping stone for what I'm now going to call the September Revolution.

The August Revolution was successful in that it allowed me more time to work on the more acclaimed (albeit, still gaming related) videos. Indeed a new IRAT Gamer episode and three new NAViGuiTaRs have been written and recorded, currently in post-production due for release within the next two weeks.

Double Jump had a successful restart, and although we missed the schedule for the second episode (due to reasons I won't disclose at this moment), we are in full production and will be ready to continue the season as normal from now on.

The September Revolution
Yes, I'm this cheap to recycle the same name. Maybe in the future I'll collectively call it all the Spring Revolution. Might be easier.

Anyway, the future of Noroji Entertainment is as follows. I would like to release one or two videos every weekend (Double Jump is already half of that) and then have a middle-week series, a smaller and easier to produce, yet still entertaining series to run for, again, maybe one or two episodes each week.

The middle-week series of August was going to be Forge Reviews, but seeing as that hasn't worked out, I've been trying to brainstorm other ideas in the mean time.

So far, two other bigger projects are still planned for release in September, and I've also thought about several smaller projects for middle-week series.

Anyway, til next time dear viewer.

Posted by slimac55 on August 24th 2011 | 1 comment |
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