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"Anything for entertainment." - Stanford
Update (September 17th 2011)

*sigh* Yes, I'm doing an update. Well, in reality it's more a journal entry seeing as no one's really "updated" by reading these presently, although I keep writing them because it keeps me sane.

Don't think I haven't noticed that more or less the only videos that have been released since the August Revolution started are Double Jump episodes. Don't also think that I haven't noticed that every episode has been released slightly later than it should have been (AoE being much later). I've noticed recently that while I enjoy the end result of Double Jump, editing it is not something I look forwards to, neither is it something that's really fun while doing so. This would be okay, though, if people (beside ones David and I hold at gunpoint) were actually watching them.

I hate to sound like a view-hungry bitch, but I'm just saying that it's more than a little discouraging when I spend upwards of 6-10 hours (yes, that actually is how long it takes to edit those things), staying up until 2AM to upload them after they've exported, and then finding the next day that they've got only about 5-10 views (and maybe a comment or rating if I'm lucky).

I have seriously considered cancelling Double Jump yet again, although I don't really like the idea after doing that so soon after rebooting it. Therefore, there are two options (which I will pose as a question in this thread to all three viewers): either we slow the episodes down (probably to monthly), or I loosen up a lot on the editing. I personally like the latter idea (although the reviews will probably be a lot longer and less "quick"), but tell me what you think.

As for the other series, well...¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Forge Reviews was supposed to happen, it didn't. IRAT Gamer 14 was supposed to happen, it didn't. Another secret show was supposed to start towards the end of August, it didn't. Yet another secret show was supposed to start production by now, it didn't.

The only show that did start as planned was NAViGuiTaR, and that was only for one episode. To be honest, I'm struggling to get the impression again from the first few episodes. IMO, my impressions at the moment sound "too normal" and I haven't been able to pinpoint why or fix it in any way. I'm not even sure if it's in my scripts (which were based directly on episodes of Gaming in the Clinton Years), or just my voice.

Unfortunately, every time I consider giving up, I have too many ideas to do so (there are actually a few more than previously too). Instead of keeping them obscure and secret like before, I'll actually give them all codenames and brief descriptions, so consider these announcements (even though they're not confirmed, just planned).

1. Project Annihilation - a show where things get destroyed. Scheduling difficulties pushed the release for this back, but now that they've been recorded we should see a debut by the end of September.

2. PowerPCUser reimagining - I'm not really a big fan of my old PowerPCUser videos. The voice, the ghetto lighting and camerawork; not to sound arrogant, but I'm above all that. I was thinking of continuing Mac-related videos just for the PPCU audience, but more scripted, more detailed, and more informative than that old style.

3. Project Pinnacle - This is something I'd really like to do, but not something that I think will happen (at least, not any time soon). It'd be a live-action drama series kind of thing. I know it sounds awful already, but I have high hopes that if it ever gets started, that it wouldn't be too bad.

4. TVGN - Yet another video game related show, but with a premise that I think is actually fairly creative. That's all I'll say for now.

5. Project Indulgence - Like Pinnacle, a series that I'd like to do, but not something I think will happen any time soon. It's kind of like an angry game reviewer, just without the reviewing games bit (making this yet another non-gaming related show! :D ).

Double Jump is still running (for now), but due to scheduling conflicts, there might not be one this Sunday week, rather the one after that. But we'll see. A new IRAT Gamer needs some voice work and then some editing and it'll be done, and I'll probably release the two (IMO) sub-par NAViGuiTaRs at some point too. Oh, and Forge Reviews might come back soon, who knows.

Of course, not everything has to be in a series (hence the series titled Random Awesomeness). Here are some of the planned videos that shall stand-alone (unless they're popular enough and could be feasibly made into a good show)

1. Man vs. Wild: Part Deux - Yes, we did another Man vs. Wild. Actually it was recorded quite a while ago, and I've been working on it occasionally in my spare time (a surprisingly fun editing project too). Recently I skimmed through it and noticed that it was actually very close to completion. Therefore, it also should be released sometime soon too.

2. Action Sequence Amazing!1@? (punctuation not optional) - Taking inspiration from FreddieW, we recorded a basic action sequence. Umm, from what I've seen it's not too bad, I've done a rough cut and things look okay so far (of course the cuts could be a lot tighter, but that's kinda normal for a rough edit). I'll probably do some effects work (just blood and muzzle flashes really), no telling how long that'll take (mainly because I've never done them before, but yeah).

Well, I think that's everything so far. I would thank all the viewers of the content on here, but realistically I think I could thank most of them in person.

Regardless, thanks to the one or two of you who I couldn't. Seriously, not even being sarcastic in this paragraph, thank you for supporting the videos and the website :)

If you'd like, post in this thread about what you think about those ideas, plus any other ideas you might have. I promise I read every single post on this website (after all there's only about one or two each day), so your idea will definitely get considered. Also, don't forget to comment about Double Jump, whether production should slow, or just ease up a little. Thanks.

Posted by slimac55 on September 16th 2011 | 1 comment |
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