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"I didn't like John Howard. I don't trust bald people." - Randy
Star wars Battlefront series review

Hi i'm back! Before you ask, I was dead! (troll)

As you can tell by the title for this review, one of you bastards did give me a game to review and the game was Star Wars Battlefront. I am however going to do the series of Battlefront, so both 1 and 2. (this is made easier because they are virtually the same game.). Despite being associated with the star wars series, both games did very well. Now, can you handle this inter-galactic review? (I fucking hope so, so all this is not wasted!)

The first Battlefront starts with the storyline of the first movie (Before you say "NO SHIT SHERLOCK!"� it has happened before that the game is based either not on the first movie or the whole series!). For those who have not seen the movies, the empire is expanding, butt-fucking every little shit in their path, the only hope of freedom lies with a young and in-experienced fighter who is battling to try to employ the help of an experienced fighter to help him to learn the "Force"�. (Yes what bullshit, it was made many years ago, far, far away"� Sorry.)

The campaign starts of virtually the same way. So I do not have to say a great deal about it, apart from:
The campaign is very long, this is good. Better than most modern games where all the work goes into the online play, and where they leave the campaign out in the dust and only realise they have fucked up about a week after its release.
The gameplay jumps in and out of objective games and straight up death-matches. This actually feels like war where you cannot simply run up and shoot, sometimes you have to waste your time doing some other shit before you shoot.
The weapons are not realistic, but who expected them to? It is a sci-fi series, and it did not really impact on the game play, actually the specialised weapons are really good. ^^

The amount of effort that has actually gone into making sure that people would enjoy their game is sadly missed today. The game does not have specialist levels where you are a specific type of soldier or where you pilot a specific vehicle, all of that is inside just about all of the levels. This means that you do need all of the soldiers they provide you, all the vehicles that are on the landscape. Making full use of the landscapes is something that really should be used more often, not just random parts of it.

Once you are done and you get your mate to play, the multiplayer play has several options, not just in the type of game played, but the battles themselves can be changed between wars, instant action and pre-set battles. This is exceptional and is still yet to be matched by most games out today. (If you think otherwise, that is fine, you are just wrong.) The gameplay does not lose anything when you play two or more players, if anything the competition to do better than your mate makes it better.

The online play is virtually the same as the multiplayer play so it to is very enjoyable. The game does suffer from the fact that nobody plays on it anymore, but we do actually have some experience to call upon in this area (so this part is at least not total shit). The online play was actually fairly enjoyable, and did achieve the feeling of fighting a war.

Unfortunately, this is where the good comments end. Firstly, the series does not change between the two games. Even though the movie story did not change that much, the series needed to have something different to make it a more complete series. -_-

The intergalactic wars are quite short once you start winning. Even though the battles are quite realistic and do follow a pattern, the game story is not there. Not failing, it is literally not there. Really disappointing considering this game is meant to be associated with the biggest and probably best (even though that is not saying much) sci-fi story ever made. >^

Things we like: ;) :D
Really enjoyable gameplay in every section.
The war feels like a war is being fought, not just a series of battles.
The choice of gameplay in multiplayer.
Every addition in the gameplay.

Things we do not like: :@ 8o|
The phrase "Same shit, different smell"� springs to mind.
The gameplay is fairly easy.
Lack lustre story line, especially so considering it is about Star Wars.

So a good series or an inter-galactic fuck up?
7.5/10. (Y) (J)
The gameplay is undoubtedly great in all areas, but the lack of variation between the two games is very disappointing. This with the fact that even though the game did well in sales, the series only did two games and no-one plays it anymore. Shame

Posted by Magp1es on September 26th 2011 | 0 comments |
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