Quote #6 - All quotes
"One mustn't question their own success, only perform an epic dance to disco music to celebrate." - David Sanguineti
Update (October 1st 2011)

Indeed another update. A little earlier than usual, but there are a few exciting things to talk about.

Firstly, the NorojiEntertainment channel has reached 100 subscribers! Okay, realistically it's not much, and I know most of them came from the iratgamer channel (a channel which, at the time of this writing, has amassed 464 subscribers with almost no shout-outs that I'm aware of), but still it's a checkpoint I'm willing to take notice of. So thanks everyone.

Secondly, of course, upcoming videos and series!

SPRING BREAK has begun (because of southern hemisphere), and I know I say this every break, but hopefully I'll be able to use it for hardcoar video production (not that kind of hardcoar you sick phuck).

Anyway, in regards to the series (ones I mentioned last update, and other ones still running), I'll write up all of their current statuses.

[list]Double Jump has been on a temporary hiatus for a while, mainly because of scheduling conflicts, but because of SPRING BREAK, we should be able to get a few recorded very soon. As stated in an earlier update, the plan is to cut down on the amount of editing, meaning that the episodes will most likely be longer and less "quick", but hopefully they'll still be pretty tolerable.

The IRAT Gamer did, and still does, have a fourteenth episode in the pipeline, however I hope it isn't highly anticipated, because it turned out too short and unfunny IMO. I'm also considering cancelling The IRAT Gamer after episode 15, as I'm not interested enough in the show anymore to regularly make new episodes. Besides I already have a spiritual successor for it planned (read on for that).

NAViGuiTaR has a sixth episode that just needs to be edited, but as soon as that's released, NAViGuiTaR will most likely be cancelled until further notice. I just don't think I can do much more with it (except for maybe exploiting the infamous Tomb Raider 2 episode).[/list:u]

Well, that's all the currently running shows, how about the planned new ones?

[list]As soon as I can get all the footage for it, Project Annihilation will be an interesting mini-series (I don't plan on it running too long unless it really takes off). No concrete time has been planned to get said footage, but SPRING BREAK will hopefully make it easier.

A few scripts were written for both Project Indulgence and the PowerPCUser reimagining, but I've decided to discontinue them. There's not really enough interest for me in either shows for me to spend time putting them together.[/list:u]

And lastly, the new shows I'm most excited about, and will definitely (hopefully) make an appearance at one point or another...

[list]TVGN is what I hope to be the spiritual successor to The IRAT Gamer. It's very much in the satirical vein of parody video game reviewing, but it's also a very different show in style and execution. A lot of work is being put into writing/planning it, so hopefully you guys will enjoy it.

The first episode script of Project Pinnacle is very close to completion. For now, I'm treating it more as a short film, but if it takes off I'll definitely try translating it into a series (I've got story arcs figured out any everything!). People who enjoy television drama will most likely enjoy this (hopefully).[/list:u]

I should also mention the Action Sequence Amazing! and Man vs. Wild Part Deux. Man vs Wild is in the stage of finishing touches at the moment, it'll most likely release this weekend. The Action Sequence is still in effects stage but will probably be complete some time during the next week. So look forwards to those too!

So, to summarise, one more episode of NAViGuiTaR, DJ with less effort coming soon, at least two more IRAT Gamers, and three new shows (two of them very exciting shows) and two standalone videos all throughout October (probably November for Pinnacle).


Posted by slimac55 on September 30th 2011 | 0 comments |
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