Quote #3 - All quotes
Randy: I keep getting confused between GoldenEye and Minecraft.
Mitch: Oh yeah, the resemblance between GoldenEye and Minecraft is uncanny.
Call of Duraez: The Cartel

The Call of Juarez series started about five years ago with some shitty game based on cowboys and gold which we will not talk about, the series then launched another attempt to capture the experience of cowboys and Indians and gold. This attempt did score some decent reviews and the series was continued despite seemingly little support. Call of Juarez: the cartel is the most recent sequel of Call of Juarez. This game shows the corruption that this area has gone through since the time of the cowboys. Yippee-Ki-Yay motherfucker!

The game is based in the southern parts of the US. The game follows the paths of an innocent (seemingly) civilian that is dragged into the world of drugs and firearms that does seem to run everything that goes on around you. A relatively young cop who is hell bent on doing his job, this means has just about has to rape every-fucking-one around him. A gangsta that is trying to shape up the gang he is in by dominating everything, this also means he has to rape every-fucking-one around him.

The campaign is where you can assume any of the characters to fulfil the role of helping the town (helping meaning shooting half the population and black-mailing the other) from the grips of rival gangs and corrupt law-enforcement figures. The game does also go back to its cowboy roots with:
Shoot-outs at dawn or dusk.
Simple goals with everything centring around money.

Throughout the campaign your missions will range from simple killings to elaborate framings to not-so simple killings. The missions are better than its rival GTA and the gameplay is better than GTA. It is because you are mainly in 1st person shooter and the landscapes are bordering on realistic instead of being a 3rd person cartoon and cartoon landscapes that makes this game better.

Despite having cowboy roots, this game is frightening in how accurate it is in describing the life of people that live in this area. (Literally, you do not need to picture it happening, you just know that this is a really accurate description of what gangsta life is like.) This really is a big thumbs up to the game, it is because of the scary reality of the game that it makes you feel like you are fighting for survival in drug-run south-western USA.

The game does have the option of getting a friend in on the action as well in multiplayer. If you do get this to happen, expect your friend to be hesitant at first, once they play it however, they probably will want to play it again. (if they do not, either they are a COD junkie or they have shit taste in games.) The multiplayer section has actually received a fair amount of attention when the game was being made, which is probably why is it was pretty impressive. It does not lose any of the gangsta feel to the game and the game becomes harder when there is another player of non-AI skill.

The game does fall down in sections of the gameplay. The gameplay during the campaign does very dramatically fall between full-on gun fights to just walking down the street saying "Fuck you."� to some random AI character who will now stare at you for the rest of the game. (my advice to avoid this is to make sure your weapon fires straight, straight at them.) This is a little unfortunate as there is almost nothing in between the two stages of action levels and the high intensity level is off far too often. What (thefuck) is going on?!

The online play to be honest is not great. The games are fine but, it somehow does not feel as if it is a gangsta game, more just how we imagine America (everyone wasting each other by guns, knives or by large oil spills!). This means that the gameplay is not that good and really falls down in the objective games.

The weapons featured in the games are all real, but I somehow doubt gangstas would be able to get their hands on some of the heavier weaponry that is featured in the games. Great fun, but does press one or two bullshit buttons and unlike sci-fi games where the whole thing is a joke, this game has set out to try and be more realistic. -_-

Things we like: (Y) ;)
Good campaign and very good multiplayer.
Frightening how close this game is to what America is like!
Realistic weapons (even if they would not feature in a gang).
Action sections are very"� well actiony. The fighting is pretty intense, even the shoot-outs are good tension builders.

Things we do not like: :@ 8o|
The gameplay of the online section is not what it should be.
The campaign jumps in and out of gun-fights too often to enjoy.
There are two versions and the better one is no longer here! Fark! (ffuuu)

So was it a decent game or we the manufacturers smoking the same crack featured in the game?

8/10 (Y)
Despite jumping all over the place and a few disappointing features the game is generally very good and enjoyable. Also the online section does feature stuff you can download that makes the game better, and they are not map-packs that should already be featuring in the fucking game!

So until next time"�

Posted by Magp1es on October 31st 2011 | 0 comments |
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