Quote #4 - All quotes
Randy: Ray William Johnson subscribed to me!
David: No he didn't.
Randy: Yes he di-- oh wait, it was just some black guy.
Update (November 7th 2011)

Ugh. Another update. Yeah.

You may notice I missed the last update. Not exactly sure how that happened, but yeah. As always, I'll address why claims made in previous updates haven't been met and then make some new claims that won't be met.

As you've probably guessed, I'm not in the best of moods, and for once it's nothing directly related to effort not getting noticed! </arrogant>

Last episode of NAViGuiTaR came out. Not much to say, except probably not revisiting it.

Project Annihilation started and ended with little fanfare. The first episode attracted small amounts of controversy, but nothing noteworthy. By the third (and final) episode, the series had already become irrelevant. I do like how it turned out, however, despite the small reaction. We might revisit it just because it was fun to make, but we'll see.

I reckon we could probably say Double Jump and IRAT Gamer are cancelled. Not sure when or if they'll be revisited. I wouldn't mind putting together another IG at some point, but I just haven't had the interest to work on DJ for a long time.

So what did I actually spend SPRING BREAK doing? A lot of it was spent writing TVGN, a project I find incredibly interesting. It found some old notes and realised that my planned starting date for TVGN was actually October 21. Guess I missed that, eh?

After completing the writing for most of the TVGN series, I've disappointed myself in how much I've managed to completely forget about it. I started distributing my Pinnacle screenplay, and upon receiving interest and good response, I started working on it full-on. In the last week or two, the screenplay has doubled in size and is actually very close to proper completion.

My current plan is to finish the Pinnacle screenplay, and while in "pre-production" for that, I start filming the finished TVGN scripts. Then, by the time TVGN is complete, Pinnacle will probably also be complete. No ETA on anything, but I one could safely assume the screenplay will be complete within the next week.

As I am writing so/too much, I haven't done much work on the Action Sequence Amazing!. It's decent, but you're probably not missing much if it never gets released. Man vs. Wild Part Deux still looks decent and all. As soon as I get around to exporting and uploading it, that'll be done.


No more DJ or IG (at least for a while), Man vs. Wild Part Deux coming up next, followed by TVGN in late November/early December and Pinnacle in January/February 2012.

Posted by slimac55 on November 7th 2011 | 0 comments |
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