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"One mustn't question their own success, only perform an epic dance to disco music to celebrate." - David Sanguineti
Winners and losers of 2011

The grand jury verdict is in for games of 2011 and with some major surprises and as well as some predictable results, we shall get right into the title holders (Good and bad).

Best real-world FPS game of 2011:
This section of gaming was certainly in no danger of going extinct, in fact a flooding of the market allowed for some good games to be brushed aside along with the rest. Many contestants lost out due to them being sci-fi based. This left Far Cry 3 to claim this title. While it did not score over 9 on the scale, many other games were simply in a different category.

Best sporting game of 2011:
EA Games has held this title for many years now with immense success from their soccer, football and cricket range, so it comes as no surprise that they have once again tripped over the rest of the competition and gotten a penalty for it with FIFA 12. Now while it won this title, this game did not rate highly for me. Reasons being that anything outside the gameplay is becoming a blur (both with the crowds and any stats or similar things.) and these mistakes are being made over and OVER again! Another massive problem is that EA Games is now Origin, and Origin will feature later on in the award ceremony.

Best console of 2011:
The winner of this title must win the most amount of criteria, which are:
Number of sales, best attachments, operating costs and buying costs, amount of player enjoyment, best games, reliability, controllers and any least amount of built-in fuck ups. This year it went to the second series XBOX 360. As far as the biggest measure of success goes (Sales), the XBOX 360 annihilated everything else, with many gamers converting over from PS3 or from the older versions. It also won attachments, amount of good/great games, player enjoyment and least amount of fuck ups. PS3 won reliability, operating costs and controllers, leaving the cheap Wii to win last place. The worst thing about this field is the amount of consoles. There is no one definitive PC console, the Wii was like Julia Gillard, a good idea at the time that now just costs you to keep it going. The PS3 is out-done by the XBOX, but not by far"� Meaning that there is only 3 rateable consoles.

Best server of 2011:
This prestigious title goes to the best online server of any game out there. The search for this went far and wide, even going back to Star Wars Battlefront (which did extremely well for a game released over 5 years ago.) and all the way to Battlefront 3. This is a section where many good games can fail, but Assassin's creed continued to provide excellent coverage across all games, a simple yet promising online community and with a very impressive selection of games. (Y) (H) Well done to Tom Clancy and Ubisoft!

Best RPG:
the winner of this award was a very late contestant in the year that was, with marketing still being posted everywhere, Skyrim the Elder scrolls V won this title. Critical areas for this winning is that Skyrim was not a full first-person game and major leaps forward for the genre of games as far as graphics goes. However you will read in my review of the game that the 25 E3 that it won was something of a rare highlight. 8o|

Best overall game:
Killzone 3. That is right, a sci-fi game has somehow managed to bet everything else around and take the best game of 2011 title. ^^

While a lacklustre storyline was my major problem, it was far superior to many others, and excelled in almost every other area.
So we have seen the best thank the award academy, and now for the games that should have really stayed in the shithole they were pulled out of. (ffuuu)

Worst FPS game:
L.A Noire. This game was released earlier in the previous year, and the amount of marketing it received totally eclipsed that of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3. This game was set back in the 1940's by the makers of Grand Theft Auto and was meant to be everything that GTA was and more. This game flopped within days of its release with gamers quickly becoming wise to the massive amount of nausea experienced while playing the game. (grr) I will review this game later in the year, and it will not be flattering!

Worst sporting game of 2011:
This award does not go to an individual game this year, oh no, this was a combined effort of several games which could not be celebrated or separated, this award goes to the Wii sport games! These games are the most pathetic attempt to replicate the "Sporting Experience"� I have ever seen ! They are honestly: fucking expensive, shithouse to play and if you really want to get fit, get outside!

Worst console of 2011:
This award was of no surprise, the Wii. Not only has it not become better value, but it has become less reliable, the controllers more than make up for the cheap console and the games have become increasingly out of date in a quickly advancing sector. Buying the Wii now is like buying shares in a European economy, cheap but you will regret it until you get rid of it (pwned) . This review basically sums up what Nintendo are doing wrong as far as the Wii goes: Unreliable, expensive to get anything else and the games made for it are terrible. -_-

Worst server of 2011:
This server unfortunately accompanied one of the largest selling FPS franchise in the world, the winner of this award goes to Origin. From the moment you log into Origin you forget thinking of "Why did EA Games change names?"� and instantly hoping to get the older EA servers back. EA Games never did have the best servers out there, but honestly these are absolutely fucking hopeless! (ffuuu2) Here is a shortened list of the problems with Origin: Passwords-It will not fucking remember them, Forgotten password process- confusing and does not work half the time, Connection- Shithouse, Online community- Utter Crap, Software-built to run on software that virtually nobody has, Reliability- Will constantly make the faults above and finally the Updates-Will waste time, cost money, cause yet another fucking re-set and does jack shit about fixing these problems. In the end, Origin is the best all-together fuck up in servers in 2011. >^

Worst RPG:
Finally I get to bag out this series of games! Major fucking victory ^^ (Y) ! This title goes to the deserving Minecraft! This game was majorly popular with a lot of people in 2011 and still is with some, the good news is that people got tired of it very quickly. This game had such success, even though it was worse than most Sims attempts and had worse graphics than most post 1995 games. Not only this but the game felt utterly fucking pointless, what was all of that for? Not fucking much, that much is certain.

The worst game of 2011:

This game is part of a series which had massive success until it made this crap, this stain on humanity, this totally fucked up piece of shit which some wanker thought was acceptable. The worst game of 2011 goes to (Drumroll)
Fallout New Vegas!
This game was so badly made, that it is worth less than $10 in stores now, that basically sums it up. Shithouse through and through, not a single part where you could like the game, so utterly fucking awful, it holds the lowest rating for a game I have ever given. This game only just beat out another very determined competitor, Duke Nukem Forever, with similarly shithouse game play and a (Fucking believe it, it was that bad!) worse storyline! Nonetheless, Fallout did just that and fallout with an almighty bang, this salute goes to the makers of Fallout New Vegas: "Well done you hopeless arseholes! You have managed to make a game that won best game of the year in 2009, into the fucking waste material it is now! That must have taken so much effort, and the results speak for themselves. A totally fine game fucked up beyond repair thanks to you! Congratulations! (troll)

Now that I have finished my review and rant those are the title holders and that ends the award ceremony. If you do not agree, I really do not give a shit, you are wrong, and go fuck yourself (loser) .
Until next time"�

Posted by Magp1es on February 10th 2012 | 0 comments |
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