Quote #5 - All quotes
Lachlan: What school does she go to?
Matt: My school.
Lachlan: Oh, Girls Grammar?
The rating system

Since the world is meant to end this year, I thought I might get around to fixing some lacking information on my game reviews. Firstly I will start with the rating system and scoring system.

What do I look for in games?
Basically, what I look for is exactly the same what everyone else looks for in a game. Something that interests you, something that you can enjoy playing, and something that you can enjoy playing"�. several times. It is not a good game if you lose interest in it after only two plays, that is a waste of money, but something you can play and play and play.

What I also look for is how realistic is the game. This part can only be done on some games as a sci-fi or magic or post-apocalyptic games are just shit. When I am able to determine whether that gun is real, or can that actually happen, is when I can tell between a good and a great game.

I am very much tied to the storyline of the game. Even with games now just focusing on online play, I still look for the story behind the game. This means that many games are either fucking shithouse and are just for online gameplay, or fantastic for the amount of effort that goes into making it. There are very few games that land in-between these two extremes and more and more are starting to slide to the shithouse side.

And finally, a game where the Russian is the good guy, seriously, it is almost like a law stating at no point in time can a Russian be the good guy, as they are almost always fighting the American, and we cannot have that! The sad part is that the effort required would not be that much more, but would give a much improved storyline.

The role of honour (Killzone 3, GOW 3) and the role of dishonour ( New Vegas, Call of Duty Black Ops)

10- If this happens it means that this game is a must get, and meets Chuck Norris standards. This means the game has scored well in all categories and is showing massive success. (fuckyea) ^^ (H)

9-9.5 This is a seriously good game and is very likely to be worth the money. ^^ ^^ ^^

8.5 Almost great apart from a few sections where the game falls down (Likely criminal Russian) and is not a must get, but pretty close. (H) ;)

7.5-8 Good without being great. Many games will fall in this section as they have both good and fucking bad points. These bad points are normally down to either laziness or just a shithouse idea. have a look before you buy. (Y) :)

6-7 Exercise caution as these games may have had success but read at an almost toxic level of shit that can be found with any kind of bullshit detector. :S (J)

5.5 Do not get it. >^ (gtfo) (N)

5 or lower Even if it is only for your sake do not get it. It was likely made at Fukushima, as to explain the radioactive shit levels and pure un-enjoyment. A total waste of time and money. (ffs) (grr) -_- >^ -_- (grr) (ffs) >^ (facepalm) (facepalm)

As you can see, the passing mark is at 7, but I am also generous with most games unless they seriously piss me the hell off.
So now that you have been educated in the art of ninja bullshit defensive it is time for me to go.
So until I find an exception to my rules.

Posted by Magp1es on February 14th 2012 | 0 comments |
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